Ken Derby

Recently, all rights reverted back to me for my award winning and bestselling middle grade novel entitled The Top 10 Ways to Ruin the First Day of School. For several reasons (which I won’t bore the reader with), I opted not to renegotiate for an extension of my contract with Scholastic. The bottom line is that I wanted total control of the future of my book, so I decided to re-release it on my own at Amazon’s Create Space and at all eBook platforms. While doing my research, I learned that formatting problems often arose during the automatic formatting process by the various publishers, and this was not acceptable to me.

So I decided to hire a professional formatter to format my book properly. While perusing online for a formatter, I came across Jason’s website. After reading the glowing testimonials on his website, I immediately knew that he was the guy for me.

What can I say about Jason? Basically . . . he rocks! He’s professional, prompt, and thorough. I asked him to make several different tweaks along the way, and not once did he hesitate to do the extra revisions. He even made several formatting suggestions, which I appreciated immensely since this was my first experience with “self-publishing.” Anyone that needs a formatter cannot go wrong with Jason!

And guess what? His fees are very reasonable . . . but most importantly; he’s a nice guy.

The Top 10 Ways to Ruin the First Day of School (CreateSpace)